City government isn’t supposed to be secret

Dear Editor,

A “strong mayor” form of government is not and never was designed to be a secret form of government. Regardless of what “the law” or municipal government advisory groups might say, a mayor is still accountable to the people and their elected representatives for all operations of the city departments under their jurisdiction. No “legal speak” can relieve him/her of that duty.

“We’re working on it,” “We fixed that,” and most recently, “That’s none of your business,” (in so many words) defeats any chance of citizens (or apparently our city council members as well) to question how those departments are operating. Those words have and are used to silence inquiry and dissent. They send a message to Council, its members, and the citizens that our duty to the mayor and his/her departments is to merely “Leave the money on the stump and turn your backs. The mayor will take care of all the rest.”

Rita Wessel
Eureka Springs