
Battling diabetes

Wow, a monster burger with double cheese and double bacon is being offered by a national chain and found right here in Arkansas. We Arkansans, both young and old, collectively have one of the highest rates of Type 2 diabetes in the United States. The long-term effect of this imbalance is profound and — if not corrected — devastating. Fortunately, Adult Onset or Type 2 diabetes is preventable or manageable with dietary, exercise and lifestyle change. Behavior change is never easy but can be done if practiced long enough. For those who cannot make the necessary lifestyle changes, prescribed drugs are available, though some simple supplements can be extraordinary.
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Constitution Week

The Abendschone chapter of the Arkansas Daughters of the American Revolution commemorated the signing of the U.S. Constitution with Eureka Springs Mayor Butch Berry, who read and signed a proclamation in recognition of Constitution Week, which is Sept. 17–23. Joining Berry for the signing were DAR Recording Secretary Margaret Scobee, Vice Regent Sharon Lawlor and Regent Terri Herman. On Sept. 17, the Abendschone Daughters plan to ring the bell in Basin Spring Park at the exact time the U.S. Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787.
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