
Interact Club presents checks

The Eureka Springs High School Interact club presented two checks on Monday, May 2. The first was a $2,000 check to Samaritan’s Feet. Cathy Handley from the Eureka Springs Rotary Club noted that before school starts in August there will be a shoe giveaway to students in need of a new pair of shoes. In addition, with the help of other donors, a Samaritan’s Locker will be established for students who may need new shoes anytime during the school year.
Read MoreInteract Club presents checks

Hostetlers named county’s Farm Family of the Year

Kevin and Teresa Hostetler, along with Kenyon and Josie Hostetler of K&K Farms, were recently selected as the Carroll County Farm Family of the Year by Arkansas Farm Bureau. Selection as Arkansas Farm Family of the Year is based on efficiency of production, conservation of energy and resources, leadership in agricultural and community affairs, home and farm improvement and home and farm management.
Read MoreHostetlers named county’s Farm Family of the Year

ESHS drama students set to present ‘Wizard of Oz’

Local residents are encouraged to follow the yellow brick road to the Eureka Springs High School Auditorium on Friday and Saturday, May 13-14, as the ESHS Drama Department presents The Wizard of Oz. Under the direction of Rick Mann, more than 30 ESHS students will present the Young Performers Edition of the musical, an abbreviated, 90-minute version featuring Emma Hutchins as Dorothy, Hayden Williams as Tin Man, Kat Robinson as Scarecrow, Conner Henson as the Cowardly Lion, Hannah Kelley as Glinda, Jacob Eastburn/Thomas Hayden as The Wizard and Joa Murray as the Wicked Witch.
Read MoreESHS drama students set to present ‘Wizard of Oz’

PEO Scholarship

Berryville High School senior Alyssa Lee has been selected as the Chapter A, Eureka Springs, recipient of a $2,500 PEO Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Pictured from left to right are Nancy Werbitzky, Ann Ferrill, Terry Eilskov, Alyssa Lee, scholarship committee chair Margie Bullock and Chapter A president Sallie Pittman. Submitted photo
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CAPC OKs $107K for Aud renovations

The Auditorium will continue to receive a facelift after more funds were approved for renovations and improvements. The Eureka Springs City Advertising and Promotion Commission, at its April 27 meeting, unanimously approved $107,443 from its surplus budget to be used for an array of projects aimed at sprucing up the facility.
Read MoreCAPC OKs $107K for Aud renovations