This listing includes individuals who have been booked into the Carroll County Detention Center. Charges may be reduced or dropped, and individuals are presumed innocent until being found guilty. As of Friday, March 15, a total of 97 inmates were being housed in the detention center.
March 11
■Joseph Kenneth Hobbs, 42, Harrison, was booked on a bond surrender and failure to appear.
■Jody Tanner, 31, Harrison, was booked on failure to appear.
■Coleton Isaiah Smith, 22, Omaha, was booked on a failure to appear charge.
March 12
■ ■Robert Cochran, 52, Berryville, was booked on driving
on a suspended license due to driving while intoxicated.
■Terry Duggin, West Fork, was booked on driving on a suspended or revoked license, no proof of liability insurance, parole violation, reckless driving and speeding.
■Nathan Primm, 19, Lowell, was booked on possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.
■Michelle Meneley, 45, Eureka Springs, was booked on failure to appear and hold for another agency.
■James Allen Oney, 31, Ozark, Mo., was booked on driving on a suspended or revoked license, obstructing a windshield, no proof of liability insurance, failure to register vehicle and failure to appear.
■ ■Austin William Spencer, 23,
Huntsville, was booked on a revocation.
March 13
■Jesse Lee Villines, 50, Eureka Springs, was booked on hold for another agency.
March 14
■Skylae Raylene Bendickson, 23, West Fork, was booked on hold for another agency.
■Tiffanie Renae Burr Welch, 33, Berryville, was booked on possession of drug paraphernalia and failure to appear.
■Elijah Rod Hamon, 40, Cassville, was boooked on indecent exposure and sexual indecency with a child.
March 15
■Shailynn Dianne Hammerstone, 18, Berryville, was booked on failure to appear.