HDC approves demolition request

The Eureka Springs Historic District Commission has approved the demolition of a “neglected” structure along Center Street downtown.

At its regular meeting on June 5, HDC commissioners learned that the back half of 65 Spring St., which runs along Center Street, is deteriorating to the point that it needs to be destroyed according to city building inspector and code enforcement officer Jacob Coburn.

The building was originally constructed around 1886 as a congregational church, according to HDC director Kyle Palmer.

“In 1982, the structure was destroyed by fire,” Palmer told commissioners. “There was a partial infill structure built, and recently determined by the building official to be a threat to life and safety….”

Building owner Steve Beacham said the plan is to take the wall facing Center Street “all the way down to the ground.”

“And the other two sides, there will be a wall left at least seven feet tall,” Beacham told commissioners. “That’s below ground level on those two sides.”

Any components of the building that are reusable will be saved, Beacham said.

“A lot of the interior bricks are water absorptive and a lot are damaged,” he said. “But, some of the limestone I think can be recycled unless they’ve got freeze cracks, too.”

The building that will be demolished is behind two businesses on Spring Street, Crescent Moon Beads and Jewelry and Curated Gallery and Gifts.

The approval received a 4-0 vote.