

Aquarius: You realize that with enough Super Glue and yarn, you can make thousands of brightly colored yurts for underprivileged parakeets. Go for it: It’ll keep you out of trouble and let your guardian angel finally check into rehab.
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Senior Center M

enus The Carroll County Senior Activity and Wellness Center is located at 202 W. Madison Ave. in Berryville. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday. Lunch is served at noon each weekday. The suggested donation for ages 60 and up is $4. There is a $6 charge for those under 60 and all carryout meals. Menus are subject to change.
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Zodiac Cancer: A lucky leprechaun keeps trying to give you his gold, but you’re dodging him at every turn. Stop and take a nice gift from the Universe, otherwise that little green guy will get angry. And you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
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Zodiac Beth Bartlett Taurus: You want to be like Lord Byron: mad, bad and dangerous to know. But in reality, you’re just slightly miffed, inconvenient and accidentally in someone’s phone contacts as “Brfol.” Start wearing leather pants and driving a technicolor VW bus to get your reputation going.
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Zodiac ARIES: Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug, but on Tuesday you’re the wiper, running back and forth while covered in bug guts. Don’t worry, there’s a cutie ready to share a bubble bath with you later.
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Zodiac Aries: Your personality lights up a room, but people only invite you over so they can find missing puzzle pieces under the sofa. Keep them in the dark, because you’re off to a bright new career as a mobile tanning salon.
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Zodiac Pisces: Every day can’t be all rainbows and lollipops; sometimes it’s unicorns, teddy bears and free pizzas, too. Enjoy the smooth ride; it’s a nice change after navigating that bumpy road for so long.
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